This One Habit Will Completely Transform How You Think, According to Science


The human mind is an incredible thing. It can imagine, create, analyze, and make sense of massive amounts of information every single day. But what we put into our minds matters. The information we consume daily serves as the foundation for how we think, what we believe, and who we become. According to new research, there is one simple habit that can completely transform how you think: being mindful of what you take in each day.

Your Mind is Like a Garden

Think of your mind like a garden. Every day, you consume information – reading books and articles, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, watching videos and movies. This information is like the soil, providing nutrients for the garden of your mind. When you feed your mind high-quality content full of insightful ideas, your thinking blossoms. But when you consume low-value information or mindless entertainment, your mind grows choked with weeds.

Making a habit of carefully curating what you take in each day is like amending your mental soil with compost instead of fertilizer. Compost introduces healthy bacteria, aerates the soil, and slowly releases nutrients over time. In the same way, high-quality information positively shapes your thinking little by little, evolving your beliefs and perspective gradually.

Be Intentional About What You Consume

Many of us passively consume whatever content is recommended to us, served up by algorithms based on our previous behaviors. We let outside forces dictate what we take in. However, being intentional about curating high-quality content is key. You have to make conscious choices about what you read, listen to, and watch.

See yourself as the gardener of your mind. Tend to it daily by selectively cultivating ideas and information that nourish deep thinking. Eliminate toxins like excessive social media and clickbait headlines. Plant seeds of wisdom by seeking out intellectually nutritious books, articles, and podcasts. Develop discerning taste – question what ideas or stories you allow into the sacred space of your mind.

Start with Small Steps

Curating a rich information diet may seem daunting, but start small. Spend a few minutes each morning browsing a newspaper, magazine, or website that offers substantive reporting and analysis. Listen to a podcast episode that makes you think on your commute. Read a chapter in a book on a topic you want to learn about before bed.

Schedule time to enrich your mind just as you would exercise your body. Little by little, these small habits add up to a transformed mental landscape. With rich, healthy soil, your mind will bloom and flourish. New ideas will link together in innovative ways. Your thoughts will grow clearer and your perspective wider. However, patience and daily commitment are required. Like compost, the influence of curated information is gradual and cumulative. But over time, the difference is profound.

From Soil to Fruition

A magnificent oak tree begins as a single seed, drawing nutrients from the soil to send shoots above ground. Over the years, it grows taller and stronger, nourished by the earth. Our minds are similar – each day brings new stimuli, sensations, and information. How we steward what we take in determines the kind of fruit our minds will bear.

Scattered seeds cannot take root in hard, dry ground. But fertile soil allows beautiful things to grow. By being intentional about curating a rich information diet, the garden of your mind will flourish with vibrant, colorful blooms. Your thoughts will bear wisdom, insight, and inspiration.

So, pay attention to what you consume each day. Be selective about the seeds you plant. With care and patience, your mind will produce the most extraordinary fruit. A single idea, planted at just the right time, can completely change the course of your life. It all starts with the daily nourishment you provide your mental soil. Those choices determine who you will become.

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